Privacy Policy 

PRIVACY POLICY INFORMATION NOTICE UNDER ART. 13 OF REGULATION (EU) 2016/679) (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR)

Dear User, this page provides useful information on how your personal data is processed through our Site.

We provide this information, not simply to fulfil the legal obligations regarding the protection of personal data provided by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or "Regulation", but also because we consider the protection of personal data to be of fundamental value for our business operations, and we wish to provide you with any information that can help you protect your privacy and control how your data is used in relation to your browsing experience on our Site.

Please note that the processing of personal data carried out in relation to the services/products of Gruppo Domino S.r.l. (henceforth also "Company") is described in the specific Information Notices that will be issued at the time of signing the contract.

The Information Notice shall not to be deemed valid for other websites that can be accessed via the links found on the Site, for which the Company is under no circumstances liable.

This Information Notice illustrates the personal data of users collected via the Site and the way in which Tommaselli Srl uses this information to maximise how it fulfils the demands of its customers.



The personal data Data Controller, that is, the subject who makes the decisions regarding the processing methods and purposes, is Tommaselli Srl with registered office in Sirtori (LC) Via Lecco 2, 23896, VAT no. 01976490134, email e-mail

To accomplish the processing of personal data, the Data Controller also uses independent subjects in their capacity as independent Data Processors, pursuant to which all relations are governed by a specific Assignment Agreement signed with all the Data Processors operating under its own Responsibility. Data subjects can request a copy of the essential parts of these agreements.


Information on the processing of personal data

We can process personal data whilst users browse this Site, as well as when filling out the online form to request support and assistance. You will find information on each type of data relating to the purpose of the processing, the mandatory or optional nature of the collection of the data provided, the methods and place of processing, the legal basis of the processing, as well as the subjects to whom the data may be communicated along with the relative retention period. The mandatory or optional nature of the collection of your Personal Data, will be highlighted using a special character (*) on all information deemed mandatory. The compilation of all the fields on the form highlighted with this character is mandatory and, if such data is not collected, it will not be possible to process the request.

The processing operations are conducted using the sole personal data required to use the Site and its functions.

The types of data subject to such processing shall include, in particular:

Automatically collected data. During normal operation, the computer systems and applications used to operate this website detect data (the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols) potentially associated with identifiable users. This category of data includes IP addresses or computer domain names used by the users to connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of request, the method used to make the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, numerical code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful, error etc.) and other parameters of the operating system and the environment used by the User. These data are processed, for the time strictly necessary, for the sole purpose of collecting statistics on the use of the site and to check it functions correctly. Collection of such data is mandatory as it is directly linked to the web browsing experience.
Data provided spontaneously by the User. The spontaneous provision of such data in any format (text, graphic, audiovisual, multimedia etc.) to our email addresses does not require further information or requests for consent. Compiling of specifically provided forms entail the subsequent acquisition of the address and data of the sender/user, required to respond to the enquiries and / or provide the requested service. The data provided by the user may be acquired and stored by the Data Controller, in electronic format, for the purposes related to their collection via the Site and shall not be used for profiling or direct marketing activities.


Your data collected from this Site are mainly collected and processed to ensure the correct functioning of the website.

Personal data of the user (Data Subject) are collected and processed for purposes related to the provision of the services provided by the Site, including the provision of technical assistance and maintenance services and, more generally, instrumental activities to ensure the proper functioning of the Site. The personal data of the Data Subject may also be used in other processing operations, maintaining compatibility and within the scope of such purposes.

In relation to the data collected from the form available in the "Contacts" section (personal details, email address, selection of product families and any other personal data provided) in order to reply to messages sent by the user.



The Site does not use any tracking system. While browsing the Site, the user provides anonymous data that do not reveal his or her personal identity, and are mainly used in an aggregated form and without linking them to any personal data, such as the name or address.

Upon voluntarily submitting his or her personal data, the Data Subject acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions contained in this Information Notice.



All personal data provided voluntarily shall be retained for the period of time strictly required to fulfil the purposes of communication and response to requests submitted by the user, and solely for the purposes for which they were collected, in accordance with the principle of strict necessity of processing retention times. More specifically, the data collected from the form available in the "Contacts” section shall be retained for the time strictly necessary for the purposes of communication and response to requests submitted by the user.



Pursuant to Arts. 15 - 22 GDPR, the user (Data Subject) is entitled to access his or her personal data, request rectification, updating and deletion if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of current legislation, and to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons or to obtain portability.
In your capacity as a user (Data Subject), we hereby inform you that at any time you are entitled to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your data is being processed and, if so, you are entitled to exercise:

the right to access personal data and information relating to the purposes, the categories of data processed, the recipients or the categories of recipients to whom the data have been or will be disseminated and their retention period;
the right to rectify inaccurate personal data concerning you and the integration of incomplete personal data;
the right to request erase of your personal data, in the cases indicated in Art. 17 GDPR;
the right to pursue the restriction of data processing, under Art 18 GDPR;
the right to receive your personal data, which are processed by automated means, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and to request their transmission to another data controller, if technically feasible;
the right to object, at any moment in time, to the processing of your personal data, including profiling activities, according to the provisions of Art. 21 paragraphs 1 and 2;
the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Data Protection Supervisor) for the protection of personal data, in the event that you consider that the processing conducted by the Company violates your rights.


Users are entitled to exercise their rights at any moment in time, within the terms and conditions of the law, sending such requests to the Data Controller by email to; we will respond to your mail within a reasonable time depending on the relative circumstances.

In order to exercise your rights, you may avail yourself of the services provided by non-profit organisations, bodies or associations whose statutory objectives operate in the public interest and more specifically in the field of protection of the rights and entitlements of Data Subjects with regard to the protection of personal data, granting a suitable mandate for this purpose. The user may also be assisted by a person of his or her choice.



Your data are collected in compliance with the principle of data minimisation (only the data strictly necessary for the purpose of providing the services requested is collected).

The processing operations are conducted using measures to guarantee the security of the data and systems. All suitable security measures have been put in place to minimise the risk of destruction or loss, even accidental, of such data, further to unauthorised access or processing that is not authorised or does not comply with the scope and purpose of collection indicated in this Information Notice. In particular, the Site uses the HTTPS protocol for server authentication and communication channel encryption. The security measures put in place, however, do not fully exclude the risks of the personal data transmitted by telematic means from being intercepted or compromised. We therefore highly recommend you check that your device is equipped with adequate software systems for the protection of the transmission of data, both incoming and outgoing (such as, for instance, updated antivirus systems, firewalls and spam filters).



The changes and updates to the Privacy Policy shall be notified to the users in the Homepage of the Site as soon as they become applicable, and they will be binding once published in this section. We therefore recommend users access this section regularly in order to check the most recent and updated version of the Privacy Policy.

This Information Notice refers solely to processing operations carried out on data collected as specified above. It does not therefore refer to processing carried out by other sites which the user can access through links on the Site, or in the case of access and redirection to social media pages (Facebook and Instagram).
